New beginnings in Italy

Ok… I haven’t written a new post in ages… I think it might have been 6 months already :/

I haven’t really taken many photos in november and December 2017, but I did go back to Italy for New Year’s and I did travel around for a few days 🙂 .


The city of romance: the city of Romeo and Juliet (apparently everybody remembers the love story and forgets about its extremely high death rate and its very short duration).

Beautiful city, if you manage to visit it when it’s not foggy out…


“La dotta, la grassa, la rossa”. If you don’t know what that means, you have to find out now 😛

Bologna is a beautiful city (and since I am from Modena, the neighbouring city, it hurts me to say this 🙂 ), rich in history and architecture.

And the food… THE FOOD!!


No introduction needed for this one.


Siena is a gem in the centre of Tuscany. While not as popular as Firenze it sure has a lot to offer…



Sometimes I wish I could go back more often and roam the country with my camera…

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